Technical Events


Let's dive into the world of general knowledge, bytes, bits, algorithms and put your technical know-how to the test. Are you ready to prove your mettle in the realm of technology? Let the "Tech-o-Pedia" i.e. Technical Quiz begin!

  1. It is a technical quiz competition consisting of 2 rounds.
  2. Both rounds will be of 45 minutes each.
  3. Quiz will be conducted on Slido.
  4. Top 20 teams from Round 1 will be selected for Round 2.
  5. Quiz will be conducted in a group of 2 students.

Round 1 and Round 2 will be held on 19th October, 2023

  1. Every team has to register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
  2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
  3. Participants have to pre-install Slido on their mobiles.
  4. Use of online references during the Quiz Competition is not allowed.
  5. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Harashish – 9779994305
Hiteshi - 9872892355

WhatsApp Group


The Tech-Deb is more than just an intellectual exercise; it's a dynamic exploration of the past, present, and future of technology. It's where the virtual meets the real, where code meets conscience, and where data meets debate. So, fasten your intellectual seatbelts, for we are about to embark on a journey through the realms of the digital, the ethical, and the innovative. Join us as we challenge conventions, dissect the dilemmas, and celebrate the power of informed discourse in the "Tech-Deb - The Ultimate Technical Debate."

1. Tech-Deb is a technical debate.
2. Topics for the debate will be provided to you beforehand on the official website of TechFest and on the emails of registered candidates.
3. There will be 2 rounds of the Debate Competition i.e. Debate round and Cross-questioning round.
4. Participants can participate solo or in Group of 2 i.e. one for the against of motion and other for of motion.

Tech-Deb will be held on 19th October, 2023.

1. Every participant or team has to register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Time limit for Tech-Deb is 2 to 2:30 minutes.
4. For cross questioning round time given will be 1 minute.
5. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Prabhjot Kaur

WhatsApp Group

Spin a Web

As we embark on this journey of design, remember that your canvas is a webpage, your colors are the HTML and CSS, and your tools are your creativity, innovation, and flair. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about user experience, functionality, and storytelling. Your task is to create a digital universe where form and function intertwine seamlessly. You'll be judged not only on the beauty of your creation but also on its functionality, accessibility, and the emotions it evokes in its users. Are you ready to take up the challenge, to spin your own web of innovation and inspiration? Let "Spin-a-Web" begin, and may the most visionary designer emerge triumphant!

1. Spin-a-Web is a Website Designing Competition.
2. Themes for the website will be provided to you 15 minutes prior the competition.
3. Participants can take the help of internet.
4. Participants should bring their own laptops.

Spin-a-Web will be held on 19th October,2023.

1. Every participant or team has to register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Time given for the competition will be 1.5 hours. Participant can participate solo or in group of 2.
4. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit;
5. Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Jashanpreet Kaur – 7009883987
Divanshi- 9217703132

WhatsApp Group


In a time when the world craves solutions and yearns for progress, we bring you a platform where the realm of invention, inspiration, and innovation converges.
Avishkaranvesha is an amalgamation of visionary thinking, cutting-edge technology, and the art of creative expression. It's where equations meet artistry, where prototypes take shape, and where inspiration sparks the innovation that propels us forward.

1. Participants must be in a group of 2.
2. Theme for the Idea pitching will be provided 15 minutes before the competition which will be related to technical topics.
3. Participants must make a PowerPoint Presentation to elaborate their ideas to the judges and explain them.
4. Project or code to showcase is optional but will be beneficial.

AvishkarAnvesha will be held on 20th October,2023.

1. Every team must register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Time given for the competition will be 1.5 hours.
4. Participant must be in a group of 2.
5. Participants should bring their own laptops.
6. Taking help from internet is allowed.
7. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Shagun –
Vanshika - 8847273677

WhatsApp Group


Your mission is clear: demonstrate your ability to craft ingenious algorithms, dissect intricate challenges, and bring elegant solutions to life through lines of code. This competition isn't just about speed or volume; it's about the art of problem-solving and the finesse of logical thinking.
So, fasten your logical thinking caps, sharpen your coding skills, and prepare to be immersed in a world of algorithms, functions, and creativity. "CoDecode" isn't just about winning; it's about learning, growing, and evolving as a coder and logic builder.

1. CoDecode is a logical building competition.
2. There will be 3 rounds of this competition.
3. Participant can participate solo or in a group of 2.
4. Round 1 will be Coding MCQ Round.
5. Round 2 will be Coding Round ( beginners level )
6. Round 3 will be Bug Hunting Round.

Codecode will be held on 20th October, 2023.

1. Every participant or team must register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Time given for the rounds:
ROUND 1 – 30 Minutes
ROUND 2 – 30 Minutes
ROUND 3 – 15 Minutes

4. Participants should bring their own laptops.
5. Taking help from internet is not allowed.
6. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Aman – 8195833728
Navkirat - 9876583052

WhatsApp Group

LAN/Mobile Gaming

In a world where pixels come to life, where strategy and teamwork reign supreme, and where adrenaline courses through every player's veins, we have gathered to celebrate the essence of gaming. Today, we present to you a dual competition, where LAN gamers and mobile gamers converge to showcase their skills and their love for the game.
PUBG and Valorant, two gaming giants, have captured the hearts of millions around the world. PUBG, known for its battle royale intensity, and Valorant, celebrated for its strategic gameplay, each represents a unique gaming experience. As you engage in fierce battles and tactical maneuvers, it's not just about achieving victory; it's about the thrill of the game.

1. LAN/MOBILE GAMING will include 2 games i.e. PUBG and VALORANT.
2. A participant can enrol in one of the games.
3. For PUBG, a group of 2 or 4 will be there.
4. For Valorant, a group of 5 will be there.

LAN/MOBILE GAMING will be held on 19th October, 2023.
Finals of LAN/MOBILE GAMING will be held on 20th October, 2023.

1. Every participant or team must register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Participants should bring their own Laptops and Mobiles.
4. Further rules will be shared with the participants through website, WhatsApp group and email.
5. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Arpit: 8427981825
Aman: 8699814708
Shubhi: 7973270066
Ribhav: 7009325250

WhatsApp Group

Project Display

This competition is not just about presenting your work; it's about sharing your passion, your dedication, and your expertise. As you wander through the projects on display today, remember that each one is a testament to the unwavering pursuit of excellence and a tribute to the human spirit of curiosity.
The Project Display Competition is a melting pot of creativity and technical acumen. It's a place where algorithms meet art, where hardware and software converge, and where innovation is celebrated in all its forms. From cutting-edge software applications to awe-inspiring mechanical contraptions, every project tells a unique story.

1. Participant can participate solo or in a group of 2.
2. Already built projects are to be showcased.
3. Both working and non-Working projects are welcomed.
4. A PowerPoint presentation along with explanation of the project is must.

Project Display Competition will be held on 20th October, 2023.

1. Every participant or team must register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Participants should bring their own Laptops.
4. Further rules will be shared with the participants through website, WhatsApp group and email.
5. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Poorva -
Kirti -

WhatsApp Group


In the "Electro-Hunt Competition," we aim to uncover the champions of electrical wizardry and the pioneers of electrifying solutions. From circuit designs that push the boundaries of efficiency to electrifying gadgets that simplify our lives, you are invited to showcase your creativity and technical prowess.
This competition is more than just a gathering of wires and circuits; it's a celebration of the inventors and makers who have electrified our world. As you navigate the twists and turns of your projects, remember that you're not just participants; you are the sparks of inspiration that ignite the future.

1. A group of 2 participants will be there for the Electro-Hunt.
2. Participants will be given hints and they must find the components and form a circuit.
3. The time given for the competition will be 1.5 hours.

The Electro-Hunt will be held on 19th October, 2023.

1. Every team must register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Further rules will be shared with the participants through website, WhatsApp group and email.
4. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Gazal -
Shubhi - 7973270066
Karandeep - 9056302832

WhatsApp Group


Your mission is clear: create memorable and persuasive advertisements that captivate the audience, convey a message, and leave a lasting impact. Whether it's a thirty-second commercial or a print ad, your creativity will be your currency, and your innovation your weapon of choice.
"Ad-Vaganza" is not just about showcasing your advertising prowess; it's about celebrating the art of storytelling and the magic of human connection through persuasive communication. As you navigate the landscape of advertising creativity, remember that you're not just competitors; you're the dream weavers and storytellers of our time.

1. It is an advertisement making competition.
2. Students need to show an Ad video with any one of the themes which will be given.
3. Make sure your topic should not get diverted from technology.
4. Students can participate individually or in a team of 3.
5. Themes will be provided to you 30 minutes prior the competition.

This event will be held on 19th October, 2023

1. Every participant or team must register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Time limit for an AD is 3 minutes. Time exceeding the time limit will get disqualified.
4. No abusive language.
5. Humorous content are allowed but no caste/religion/sex should get hurt.
6. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Disha Sharma - 9877405594

WhatsApp Group

Shark Tank

Inspired by the hit television show, this competition offers aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to take center stage and share their groundbreaking ideas, products, or services with a panel of seasoned investors, our very own "sharks." Each pitch is an opportunity to secure funding, mentorship, and the support needed to transform concepts into viable business ventures.

1. A participant can participate individually or in a team of 2.
2. Idea pitching should include project display with demonstration such as PowerPoint Presentation or Live.
3. Top 3 ideas also have the chance to receive fundings from our sponsors.

Shark Tank will be held on 19th October, 2023.

1. Every participant or team must register online on the official Techfest website for the competition.
2. A Team ID will be allocated to the team on registration which shall be used for future references.
3. Time limit for idea pitching is 3-5 minutes. Time exceeding the time limit will get disqualified.
4. Judges can ask queries and questions.
5. The organizers reserve the right to change any or all the above rules as they deem fit; Change in rules, if any, will be highlighted on the website and notified to the registered teams.

Manasvi – 9877760974
Parkhee - 9664409667

WhatsApp Group